Jeff Keyes
Mr. Keyes brings over 25 years of experience in senior financial positions providing financial leadership for emerging and evolving public and private companies. Previously, he served as the Chief Financial Officer of Spinal Elements, Inc., a private equity backed medical device company. Prior to Spinal Elements, Mr. Keyes was the Chief Financial Officer of Custopharm, Inc., a private equity backed developer of generic sterile injectable pharmaceuticals, where he helped lead the company through rapid commercial growth and successful acquisition by Hikma Pharmaceuticals. Prior to Custopharm, Mr. Keyes held a variety of leadership roles in life science companies in finance, accounting, and mergers and acquisitions support, and he started his career in public accounting. Mr. Keyes has also served on the board of directors of CNS Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a public clinical stage biotech company, since June 2018. Mr. Keyes earned a B.A. degree in accounting from Western Washington University and is a certified public accountant.